Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Aspects of technology magazine covers

Cover Image

One of the most distinctive aspects of technology magazines is the inclusion of objects on the cover image, while most other magazines have an athlete or model on the cover. Typically this is a picture of the tech included in the magazine, like an i-phone. This is mostly because, unlike other magazines, tech magazines aren't based on people, but on the technology itself. This is why you won't see a make-up case on the front of a passion magazine, because, in those kinds of magazines, it's about the people that use the products, not the products themselves.


Technology magazines commonly have blue color schemes, as technological devices are generally perceived as being blue or emitting blue light makes these magazines distinctive, so when people see a blue cover, they know it's a tech magazine. Other magazines, such as sports and fashion, typically use warmer colors like red and yellow as they can be more expressive, eye-catching, and passionateNeutral colors are also used to create tones of being simple or dull and to draw people's eyes toward other elements. For example, a gray background can make the subject of the cover image stand out more. Since tech magazines don't usually have subjects in their cover images, they seldom use this technique.


The font that something is written in can give what's being said a lot more meaning than just what's written. Most fonts can be split into two categories serif and sans-serif (without serif). Serifs are little 'feet' on the ends of letters in a font and can make it look more elegant and sophisticated, but can also make it look old-timey since those types of fonts originated from the fonts used in typewriters. Using sans-serif, on the other hand, will make the font more modern and bold, but may also look casual if used too frequently. Most magazines tend to mostly go with serif fonts in order to make the text look more elegant and professional. However, tech magazines are different. The old-timey look of serif fonts contradicts the other modern aspects of tech magazines, so they tend to go with sleek, bold, sans-serif fonts instead. However, tech magazines tend to stick with serif font in large bodies of text to prevent the text from looking unprofessional.

Big names

There are, of course, many big names in the technology magazine industry. One of the biggest, Wired, "Illuminates how technology is changing every aspect of our lives—from culture to business, science to design." And also, the aptly named Technology Magazine, which literally has technology in its name!


Tech Magazines

Notice how they have abstract cover images, blue coloration, and sans-serif fonts

Other magazines

Notice how they have people in the cover image, warm coloration, and serif fonts


Fashionista. “The 32 Most Memorable Magazine Covers of 2018.” Fashionista, 3 Apr. 2020, fashionista.com/2018/12/best-fashion-magazine-covers-2018.

Freemags. “Technology Magazine – November 2020 | Magazine PDF.” Free Magazines Online | PDF Magazine Download, 25 Oct. 2020, freemagazines.top/technology-magazine-november-2020.

Nast, Condé. “WIRED - The Latest in Technology, Science, Culture, and Business.” Wired, www.wired.com. Accessed 4 Apr. 2022.

“Serif vs Sans Serif Fonts and When to Use Which | Adobe.” Adobe, www.adobe.com/creativecloud/design/discover/serif-vs-sans-serif.html. Accessed 4 Apr. 2022.

“Technology and Innovation - Issue 4.” Pocketmags, pocketmags.com/us/technology-and-innovation-magazine. Accessed 4 Apr. 2022.

“Time Cover Store.” Time Magazine, timecoverstore.com. Accessed 4 Apr. 2022.

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