Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Fonts in a magazine

 Font Psychology

The font a text is written in can give the text a certain feel and meaning. For example, the font Times New Roman has a serious, sophisticated look and would work well in a professional report, but it would seem overly serious in a party invitation. This is may be very different with other fonts. Additionally, Times New Roman has something called serifs, which are like little feet that the letters have. This gives an elegant, sophisticated, and generally professional look to the font, in contrast, fonts like Courier are what's called sans-serif fonts (or just sans fonts) and give a more casual tone to what's being said. See in this example:

    "Cindy took her dog out for a walk." - with serif
    "Cindy took her dog out for a walk." - sans serif

As you can see, the font with serifs has a more serious look to it and would probably be suited for an essay on dog walking, but the one in sans serif looks a lot more casual and would be good for a story.

Script fonts are designed to look handwritten and make the text look even more casual than sans-serif fonts.

Decorative fonts have extra embellishments and look very elegant, even more so than serif fonts.

    Text with and without serifs

How Tech Magazines Use Fonts Effectively

Tech magazines typically use both serif and sans-serif fonts. The big, styled text, like the titles, coverlines, bylines, and sometimes pull quotes are written in sans-serif fonts which give the magazine a sleek and techno look. However, the passages usually contain more sophisticated-looking serif fonts, as to not make the text too goofy. This is different from other magazines which frequently use serif fonts in their titles and headings. Overall, this makes the magazine look modern and technological while staying professional.

Font psychology

Canva. (n.d.). The definition of font psychology and how to use it. Font Psychology. Retrieved April 4, 2022, from https://www.canva.com/learn/font-psychology/

“Serif vs Sans Serif Fonts and When to Use Which | Adobe.” Adobe, www.adobe.com/creativecloud/design/discover/serif-vs-sans-serif.html. Accessed 4 Apr. 2022.

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