Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Cover image ideas for my tech magazine

 Ideas for Masthead

The masthead is the name of a magazine, it fully encompasses one's brand and what kind of magazine it is. For my magazine's masthead, here are some ideas I was thinking of for the final masthead:
  • encompassing technology
  • tech world
  • tech information
  • connected
  • conTECHted
  • a bit of tech
  • a byte of tech
  • examine tech (tech examiner)
  • investigate tech (tech investigator)
  • innovate tech (tech innovator)
  • tech test
The selling line will probably come after I chose the masthead.
(example of masthead with selling line:

Encompassing technology
A complete look into modern technology)

Ideas for Cover Lines

The cover lines on a magazine cover give little teasers into the articles that are in the magazine. They give a stand-out reason to buy that specific magazine as opposed to just buying it because it's another installment of TECH magazine. Here are some ideas I had for coverings:
  • Headphones: a useful piece of equipment, or an ear-killer!
  • 10 things your phone provider is hiding from you!
  • Is 5G internet worth it, or is it a SCAM?
  • The price you pay to stay connected
  • Tech giving us information or MISINFORMATION!
  • 21st century - an era of technological innovation
  • Convergent technologies - playing Fortnite on your smart fridge?!
  • Are your devices listening to you?

Cover Images

The cover image of a magazine is the main eye-grabbing image on the front cover. This is the first thing that people will see, and it is one of the deciding factors for whether people will have a look at your magazine, or just walk past it. Here are some of my ideas for a cover image (without text/edits):

Desktop computer

Wifi router

People wearing headphones

I will probably go with the top left headphones image as the expression in that image is very eye-catching and exciting, while the other images have more dull and boring expressions. The static objects aren't very good either because they wouldn't give any expression to the cover at all.

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Creative Critical Reflection

Here is a playlist of all the creative critical reflections I have made for this project on YouTube: