Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Table of contents revisions


After designing my first draft of my table of contents (seen to the right) I showed it to my peers and got feedback.

There were some mirror tweaks (Kirby is misspelled as "Kerby" and I need to retake the pictures because the background-remove looks bad), but also some major changes that I was recommended that I wanted to test before committing to them.

Recommended changes

From the feedback I got, four major changes have been distilled:
  • Align dashes in article titles
  • Align article titles to header (ie. left align the headers)
  • Recolor headers (Green -> purple)
  • resize pictures
  • change background color to blue
I will implement each change separately, and then choose whether or not it is better than the original.

Aligning articles

A lot of my articles were not aligned with each other. In most magazines, the starts of all the article names are lined up, and the end of each page number is aligned on the other side. Before, I just moved the text boxes left or right in Canva to try and line up the articles. However, Canva does not allow me to move the text to the precision I needed in order to align the articles up. So, I separated the article names from the page numbers, so I could line up each article name's text box exactly (since Canva snaps the edges of textboxes together) and have the page numbers as separate text boxes that were right-aligned. This gave the desired effect, so I implemented it for all the articles.

This is what the table of contents looks like now:

Align headers

As one may notice, the headings for articles are offset from the list of articles, one piece of feedback I got was to move them more to the left. Here is what that looks like:

I think that this does look better, as it strengthens the line that all of the article titles are aligned with which is present in most other magazines' TOCs.

Recolor headers

I got feedback to get rid of the green colors and make them bluer, so I made these changes:
"Contents" header:     #41910D -> #415484
article headers:           #224B07 -> #070F64

This is what that looks like compared to the green text:

I personally think that the green text looks better, as it matches the color scheme of my magazine's cover, but either one would look good in a magazine.

Final TOC design

After all of the revisions and retaken images, here is my final draft of the table of contents. I think it turned out well and will look good in my magazine.

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Creative Critical Reflection

Here is a playlist of all the creative critical reflections I have made for this project on YouTube: