Friday, March 25, 2022

Two-page spread revisions

After designing my first draft of my two-page spread (seen to the right) I showed it to my peers and got feedback.

1. minor changes

There were some minor errors that were easy to fix including capitalizing titles/headings and left-aligning the 3rd paragraph's heading.

2. Text size

I received multiple comments on the text size and that it was too small. However, I believe that, without removing content, there isn't much room to increase the text size without making the margins too small. However, I think that if the spread was enlarged to the size of an actual magazine, the text would become very easily readable and the text size not needed to be increased.

3. Byline and page numbers

All magazine articles need to have an author credited for them a page number. I completely forgot to add them, so I've added them now.

4. Theme was too casual

There were a few comments saying that the simple graphics were too casual and don't fit the genre of a tech magazine. However, this is an intentional deviation from tech magazine standards. I wanted this magazine to be like a guide into technology for people that don't know very much about technology, such as children, older people, or people who just aren't very tech-savvy. The casual theme is there to make the magazine more approachable to its audience.

Final 2-page spread design:

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Creative Critical Reflection

Here is a playlist of all the creative critical reflections I have made for this project on YouTube: